Relationship Counselling

Relationship Counselling

Why People come to Counselling

In my personal experience the most common reasons why people come to seek counselling relates either to relationship issues or major life changes such as leaving home, getting married, new baby, reaching mid life and work issues such as promotion/redundancy which can increase levels of emotional distress.

Most people experience emotional crises when they are in a relationship that is in trouble, when a relationship has ended, or when they are lonely and desire a relationship but are unable to find a satisfactory one.

Of course there are many other reasons why people come to counselling such as illness, physical or emotional trauma, many types of losses but in the main most problems will impact on your relationships.

Relationship Counselling Perth Northern Suburbs


In order to create satisfying relationships in our lives, one of the ideas that I subscribe to is that we do have choices and we contribute to our degree of happiness by how we think and act in our everyday life. In relationships a person can only take responsibility for their own behaviour and how they choose to think and act, they are not responsible for the reactions or behaviours of others.

The choices we make determine the quality of those relationships, let it be with your partner, lover, sibling, parents, in-law, friend or employer. To create quality and happy relationships it is important to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without trying to control or blame other people in the process.

Relationship Counselling Perth Northern Suburbs

The majority of people come to see a counsellor when they are in emotional pain and are having difficulty finding a solution to their problem or resolving their pain/distress without outside help. In coming to counselling, you can expect to be able to talk in confidence about your problem with the hope of finding solutions and feeling better.

During the counselling session you’ll be encouraged and guided to recognise and make effective choices that will bring more love, happiness and contentment to your life and relationships and in turn will help heal your mind and soul.

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